Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Health care for 1.2 billion people...

After braving Mumbai rush hour traffic once again, we spent the day (well yesterday now) back at the J&J office getting an overview of the Indian health care system from Dr. Shastri, a medical director at J&J, and later a market overview from a J&J group manager. Both talks were an eye opening introduction to the structure of the Indian health care system, highlighting the dichotomy between public and private sectors and the massive burden of providing medical care to 1.2 billion people with a severe shortage of health care providers and a mostly out-of-pocket pay system. I'll spare the details of the medical system structure for now since I'm still trying to wrap my head around it all and we have to jump on a plane for New Delhi in a few hours, but I'll leave you with one of the challenges presented to us today: India has medical expertise, but often can't get those experts to patients due to shear numbers and geography, so how can their expertise get to the patients that need it?


PS: Some autos from the ride home - 

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